04 May Flora of the Delta – marsh marigold.
Today in the series FLORA DELTA – Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
Also called cowslip , it is a perennial rhizomatous plant in the buttercup family, a typical wetland plant. The species is widespread throughout Europe, in Poland it can be found in riparian forests, on swampy meadows, the banks of streams, rivers and water reservoirs, in damp thickets and roadsides.
It has characteristic golden yellow, 5-petaled flowers that we can admire from April to June. The glossy, kidney-shaped and fleshy leaves are dark green in color. The plant produces a thick, tuberous rhizome from which buds form in the fall and from which above-ground shoots grow in early spring. It occurs in large numbers forming clumps reaching a height of 15-50 cm.
It is a melliferous species and is also characterized by medicinal properties. In herbal medicine, it is used to treat wounds, kidney stones and jaundice, among other things. However, if you want to use it for medicinal purposes, consult an experienced herbalist or a doctor with knowledge of medicinal plants. Also, don’t forget that marsh marigold is also a poisonous plant. The fresh herb contains the dangerous protoanemonin, which is toxic in larger quantities. For this reason, it is not part of the menu for grazing cattle.
The perennial is also very often used to decorate backyard ponds, If you want to see marsh marsh marigolds in bloom, we invite you to take a trip to Umianowice meadows.
Text: Kalina Adamczyk
Photos: Robert Pisarczyk