How to build a bird house or set up a flower meadow for bees? Responses in Umianowice

Dni Otwarte Funduszy Europejskich w OEP Umianowice

How to build a bird house or set up a flower meadow for bees? Responses in Umianowice

A massive aquarium and informative workshops are among the attractions available for guests at the Umianowice Nature Education Center in Ponidzie. Open Days of European Funds were organized there.

Naturalists encouraged, among other things, exploring the mysteries of the Nida River and visiting the Nidarium. There are approx. 14 species of fish, including bream, brown bullhead and crucian carp from the nearby Nida River, recalls Dariusz Wiech of the Complex of Swietokrzyskie and Nadnidziański Landscape Parks. He adds that perhaps the extremely rare albino catfish will soon join the inhabitants of the aquarium, which has a capacity of around 25,000 litres. .

Read more in Radio Kielce article

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