LIFE during workshops for educators

LIFE during workshops for educators

At the end of August, the 6th edition of the workshops for educators entitled: “Wykorzystanie bogactwa geologicznego regionu świętokrzyskiego w turystyce leśnej. Komunikacja społeczna w pracy edukatora” (Eng. The use of the geological richness of the Świętokrzyskie region in forest tourism. Social communication in the work of an educator) was held in the Ponidzie region. The employees of the LIFE project took part in the workshops as well.

The workshops were addressed to educators from units dealing with natural science and forestry education. They were attended by representatives of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Radom, educators from the Forest Inspectorates from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship and employees of ZŚiNPK.

The two-day workshops began with a visit to the Botanical Garden and Geopark Kielce — Geoeducation Center and were devoted to the geological phenomenon of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, where the rocks and fossils from all periods of Earth’s history are found on a small area.

On the next day the participants of the workshops got acquainted with the assumptions of the LIFE Project entitled “Renaturyzacja śródlądowej delty rzeki Nidy” (Eng. Renaturalization of the inland delta of the Nida River), presented by deputy project manager Tomasz Bania.

During the field session in the “Młodzawy” forest complex of the Pińczów Forest Inspectorate, the habitat refuge specialist Kalina Adamczyk and the water protection specialist Andrzej Łukasik discussed the issue of active protection of riparians. The aim of the action is to restore water conditions characteristic for habitats in ash and alder riparian forests by decongesting drainage ditches. This will reduce the level of stagnant water on the surface and cause its horizontal movement, both within the soil and at higher surface levels.

The topic of wild edible plants was presented by one of the few specialists in this field, scientific consultant dr. Wojciech Szymański.

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