05 May Riparian forests return to the Nida River
For centuries, they have been a natural habitat, especially for birds. They continue to provide them with shelter and food to this day. We are talking about riparian forests growing by rivers and streams, which are flooded in spring and fertilized with fertile silt. Such habitats are now very rare, therefore scientists and naturalists want to restore them, e.g. in Umianowice.
Riparian forests are called the richest terrestrial ecosystem. Naturalists also refer to them as native rainforests.
Dariusz Wiech from the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks Complex, informs that the first works involved rooting almost 6,000 trees and shrubs of native species, incl. poplar, viburnum, bird cherry, currant and lilac. The Pińczów Forest Inspectorate helps in the work.
– In the nursery in Michałów, we rented two troughs, filled with specially prepared soil mixed with compost of appropriate acidity. The troughs are irrigated and protected against excessive radiation. In Krzyżanowice, on the other hand, there are 51 pots, with 53 plants in each of them. They will grow there until autumn – he says.
Rooted cuttings will be planted in the Nida Delta. Dariusz Wiech emphasizes that the value of riparian forests is also evidenced by the fact that it is a habitat inhabited by over 40 percent. bird species found in our country.
– These forests are amazing. They absorb a lot of harmful compounds such as nitrates, phosphorus, pesticide residues from agricultural production and carbon dioxide. In return, they provide nature with oxygen – he adds.
There are other reasons why you should grow some of the previously mentioned plants. For example the fruits of the coral viburnum are edible and have healing properties, they improve the condition of the intestines. In turn, in Ukraine and Russia it is used as an ingredient in desserts. Black elderberry, on the other hand, fights fever and soothes coughs. The fruit is used as an analgesic in neuralgia and sciatica in rheumatic and skin diseases.
Source: https://m.radio.kielce.pl/pl/wiadomosci/legowe-lasy-wracaja-nad-nide,127882?fbclid=IwAR0ZrY2-9YoAlCf3zxULFb5_pncILgrGBP7XBoQy5Yjs-fcKnnniyLb64Rnnniy