Nida Turtles “Renaturalization of the Inland Delta of the Nida River”

Nida Turtles “Renaturalization of the Inland Delta of the Nida River”

These areas were unique in Europe. We use past tense because due to intensive human activity the abundance of animal species and the unique ecosystem in the Nida delta started to impoverish. The wealth of this place is to be restored by the “Life4Delta” program – TVP3 Kielce informs about our project.

It must have something to eat, a place to swim, a place to hide from predators and most probably the area of the Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks… meet all these conditions. The conditions necessary for the European pond turtle to return to Ponidzie. – As far as living conditions are concerned, it looks fine. We haven’t found places convenient for a lair yet, but I haven’t seen everything yet, so I think that there will be such places,” says Adam Hryniewicz from the Warsaw Zoo.

The last time European pond turtles were seen in Ponidzie was 50 years ago. The project entitled “Renaturalization of the Inland Delta of the Nida River”, carried out by the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks, is intended to restore the natural wealth of the area. – And to develop a plan for the protection and reintroduction of this species in these areas, since it used to be here once. We are going to do it all from spring onwards – adds Hryniewicz.

But not only the turtles are to return to Ponidzie. – We will build reservoirs for amphibians, we will strengthen white-tailed eagle nests, and we will build new nesting platforms – assured Kamila Mazur from the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks.

Works will start with improving the environment. There are plans to clean up oxbow lakes, reservoirs and generally improve hydrology in an area of nearly 400 hectares. – As part of the project, we have set up a very large educational project under this measure, we planned to train 12 thousand children – adds Wojciech Sołtysiak from the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks.

The Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks invite young people to field lessons in spring, when the scientists will go looking for the turtle again.

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