18 May We invite you to two-day workshops on June 13-14.
As part of the LIFE4DELTA project, we cordially invite teachers to take part in two-day workshops that will be held at the Nature Education Center in Umianowice on June 13-14, 2024. The event is directed
to professionally active teachers who teach the following subjects in primary schools in grades I-VIII: nature, biology, geography and early school education. We invite a maximum of four people from one educational institution located in the city/municipality of Kielce, Pińczów, Busko and Jędrzejów districts to participate in the meeting (if there are places available, teachers from districts not listed above will also be able to take advantage of the offer). The aim of the workshops is to involve teachers in active participation in work related to active nature conservation, to improve professional qualifications and to establish cooperation
and encouraging participation in educational activities carried out by ZŚiNPK. The meeting is also an excellent opportunity to expand knowledge and get inspired by techniques and methods of non-formal education used to convey nature knowledge to the young generation. The organizer plans numerous workshops and various topics. The classes will include field and stationary parts. Lectures, presentations and active workshops, which are the main elements of the training, will provide an opportunity to broaden pedagogical perspectives and enable the transfer of the acquired knowledge to school. The program includes workshops such as: “Get to know the world of pollinators and make a candle from beeswax”, “Herbs and their medicinal properties – create your own tea”, ” Ornithological field observations”.
Participation in the training is free of charge. We provide participants with food, accommodation and workshop materials. You must travel to the training site at your own expense.
All interested parties are asked to send an application form and consent to the use of the image and personal data by e-mail to the following address: bbetkowska@pk.kielce.pl by June 3, 2024. The meeting program will be sent to those interested and those registered for the workshops. The number of places is limited, applications are on a first-come, first-served basis. We will provide additional information at: 519-485-558.