World Wetlands Day.

World Wetlands Day.

Today is World Wetlands Day.

It is organised in over 95 countries by nature NGOs, government agencies and institutions. In Poland, these include e.g. national and landscape parks, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, universities and various organisations (e.g. Centre for Wetland Protection, WWF Poland).

Wetlands are large open areas of peatland, sometimes small mid-forest swamps, but also narrow habitats along natural rivers. Natural factors such as a river bed with several branches, impermeable substrate or high groundwater levels are needed to create them.

This is mostly land that is not suitable for agricultural use but is extremely important and valuable for all wildlife and people. It absorbs carbon dioxide, reduces the scale of flooding, mitigates the effects of drought and is an ideal habitat for flora and fauna, including many protected species.

The Nida Delta is mostly an area that can be classified as wetland. About 170 bird species occur here, of which about 140 species build their nests. About 40 species of fish live in the Nida and its tributaries. From the vegetation typical for wetlands and swamps grow here: yellow water lily, white water lily, yellow iris, water buttercup, water pineapple , marsh-marigol , bulrush .

A specific type of forest that occurs in our delta area and wetlands is the riparian forest. Within the LIFE4DELTA project, naturalists from the Complex of Swietokrzyskie and Nadnidziański Landscape Parks are carrying out works to restore this type of nature through groundwater regulation such as: repairing hydrological devices, cleaning drainage ditches, mowing reeds and planting plants characteristic for riparian forests.

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