16 Jul You will be able to meet Polish horses while walking along the Nida River
During walks on the Nisha in Umianowice, in the municipality of Kije, in the Pińczów district you will be able to meet Polish horses all year round. Feeding with goodies and petting animals will be even desirable.
Polish Horses have been grazing on Pińczów hump near Pińczów for over 3 years. They are accompanied by sheep. In a few weeks, in July, the horses will be moved to Umianowice to the meadows near the Nature Education Center under construction.
– Our herd has 15 horses and it will grow in a natural way. This year we have 4 foals – admits Tomasz Hałatkiewicz, director of the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks Complex. Currently, they are grazed on the Pińczów hump, where there is no grass for a herd of horses and sheep, and after 2 months of grazing, it is eaten out. That is why, among other things, we want to move them to Umianowice and leave only sheep on the hump.
The area where the Polish horses will live, which is about 15 hectares, has already been fenced. – It may be expanded to 200 hectares in the future. Soon we will install an electric fence, which will prevent the animals from going outside the designated area, as well as a shelter and drinking troughs – adds the director. – This is a historic Polish breed of horses, very resistant to difficult conditions, including weather conditions. The animals will stay in the pasture year round, they just need a shed for the winter.
Polish horses will play a natural and educational role. – These animals are called natural lawn mowers. Their activity protects valuable natural habitats and reduces the number of undesirable plant species, which is what we want, explains the director.
Horses will also be an attraction for children who will visit the Center for Natural Education. Although the pastures are located several hundred meters away from it, several animals will be moved to the vicinity of the Center, where pens for many species of animals will be built. – Children will be able to stroke and feed the ponies, which are very gentle, although this breed is quite skittish. It is enough to show a carrot or an apple and the animals become social, they approach people and they can be petted – adds the director.
Polish horses grow only up to 140 centimeters, weighing up to 400 kilograms. They are long-lived, resistant to diseases, resistant to harsh living conditions. For centuries they have been used for hard work and transport.
Source: https://echodnia.eu/swietokrzyskie/koniki-polskie-bedzie-mozna-spotkac-w-czasie-spaceru-nad-nida/ar/c1-15678198?fbclid=IwAR2FwB5EqZM3ZlkwpzsMAA6EYiK4CmcQp8mejpxPIkWBwmejp