Another preventive patrol in the project area.

Another preventive patrol in the project area.

On November 16, another preventive patrol took place. It was attended by employees of ZŚINPK and a representative of St Hubert’s Hunting Circle No. 2 – Marek Ciszowski. The first place that was visited were ponds for amphibians, where the issue of poaching and the harmful impact of wild animals on them (boar gushing on the banks of the reservoirs) were discussed.

Then the participants of the patrol went to the pasture of Polish cows and horses. As part of the cooperation, members of the hunting club committed themselves to patrol the areas where active protection activities are carried out. In addition, as part of the information activities, the employees of the ZŚiNPK discussed the scope of maintenance works of oxbow lakes and watercourses planned in the near future in the project area.

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