19 Jun Polish horses are coming back to Ponidzie
For over three years, they have grazed, among others, on the Pińczów hump. Soon their breeding will be moved to Umianowice. We are talking about Polish horses.
In Ponidzie they were brought by the Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks Complex. Currently, their herd consists of nine adult horses. Three foals were born this year.
Tomasz Bania from ZŚiNPK informs that works are currently underway on fencing 13 hectares of space within the Nida River at the Nature Education Center under construction in Umianowice.
– We will also make shelters and waterholes there. We will transport the horses at the end of July – he says.
Thanks to this, the flora of this habitat will be restored, and at the same time such treatments will serve educational purposes. The main objective of the center is to educate about nature and revive tourism in Ponidzie. These activities will enable children to learn about old methods of maintaining meadows. He points out that Polish horse grazing will reduce the number of undesirable plant species, which fits perfectly into the natural landscape.
Tomasz Bania adds that their task is to save xerothermic grasslands. These animals act as natural lawnmowers mainly to protect valuable natural habitats and endemic plants.
– Basically, the Polish horse is the only breed, apart from the Hucul horse, that can stay on the pasture all year round. It is a primitive horse. It does well in natural conditions, he says.
They are horses with a gentle character. They can pull as much as they weigh from 350 to 400 kg. A mare can live up to 30 years. They are very intelligent. This is a native, primal horse breed descended from wild tarpan horses. Today we will see tarpans only in photos. The last one has survived from 1800. People caught them taming them to increase their strength. Peasants crossed with domestic horses. Then, unknowingly, they contributed to the creation of a new breed: the Polish horse.
Source: https://www.radio.kielce.pl/