Polish ponies are born in Umianowice

Polish ponies are born in Umianowice

The herd of Polish pony in Umianowice is expanding. For the past three years, they can be seen on 13 hectares of local meadows, near the Nature Education Centre. Currently, the herd has 14 adult ponies and two foals that were born this year.

The first foal was born on May 10. It’s a filly. In turn, a colt was born on June 2.

According to Katarzyna Bień of the Complex of Świętokrzyskie and Nadnidziańskie Landscape Parks, the births took place by force of nature, without complications and without veterinary assistance. Neither of the foals have names yet, but they will soon be named in a fitting way.

Mostly there is a rule that the name must begin with the first letter of the mother’s name. Names will be selected by the centre’s staff. Our foals are strong and happily romping. We try not to interfere with the birth so that the ponies do not get stressed. If we don’t have to, we don’t intervene, she says.

In addition, each pony has a chip and is issued a passport. Another labour is expected in about two weeks’ time.

The Polish pony is a breed that can stay in the pasture all year round.

It is a primitive breed of pony. It is doing well under natural conditions,” adds Katarzyna Bień.

Horses are able to live and grow healthy on poor quality feed and hay. They are hardy and resistant to numerous diseases. They have very strong hooves. They are small horses. Their distinctive feature is a stripe that extends across the entire back. They have a mousey coloration,” he says.

The height at the withers of ponies is 130-140 cm. The breed is interesting, but not very popular not only because of its size. At the moment, however, sport horses, hot-blooded horses, are most often used,” adds Katarzyna Bień.

These animals are a delight to behold, but in Umianowice the purpose of the ponies is to save the xerothermic grassland. Ponies act as natural mowers mainly to protect valuable plant habitats.

It is worth mentioning that it is a breed derived from wild tarpans. Today the tarpans will be seen only in photos. The last surviving one dates back to 1800. People were catching them and taming them in a bid to increase their strength. Peasants crossed them with domestic horses. Unknowingly, they then contributed to the creation of a new breed: the Polish pony.


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