Turtles, mussels and newts will return. The cattle will also be grazed near the Nida

Turtles, mussels and newts will return. The cattle will also be grazed near the Nida

Above the Nida, cattle will be grazed again, pond turtles, fire-bellied toads, crested newts and thick shelled river mussel will return. On an area of 400 hectares in the central delta of the river the natural retention will be restored, observation platforms, canopies and educational trails for tourists will be created — as Gazeta Wyborcza informs about the start of our project.

On Monday, the “Renaturyzacja śródlądowej delty rzeki Nidy” (Eng. Renaturalization of the inland delta of the Nida River) project was officially opened at the headquarters of the Complex of Świętokrzyskie and the Nida River Landscape Park. As one of three from Poland (out of 41 submissions) it received a grant in a competition announced by the European Commission. The project will cost almost EUR 5.5 million. 60% of its cost will be financed by the EU and 30% by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

— The natural state is the cheapest. It would be more expensive to build a water reservoir that would ensure proper retention of these areas — said prof. Tadeusz Zając from the Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which is a partner of the project.

He emphasized that the beauty of the landscape with its varied terrain, rare vegetation and fauna on the Nida River has long been admired by scientists from Western countries. The project, which aims to restore the state of the river delta from decades ago, is intended to make the area even more attractive.


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