LIFE during the closing conference of the project “In harmony with nature – LIFE+ for Janowskie Forests”

LIFE during the closing conference of the project “In harmony with nature – LIFE+ for Janowskie Forests”

On 26-27 November 2019, in Borownica near Janów Lubelski, a conference was held to close the LIFE13 NAT/PL/000032 project, co-financed by the European Union under the LIFE+ Financial Instrument and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

The project was implemented from 1 January 2015 on the territory of the Lubelskie and Podkarpackie Voivodeships, and its completion falls at the end of December 2019. The main objective of the project was the comprehensive protection of marshes and peat bogs, together with their valuable flora and fauna in the special protection area of habitats Natura 2000 Sacred Sites of Janowskie Forests PLH060031 and the special protection area of birds Janowskie Forests PLB060005. The activities undertaken in the project were also aimed at preserving the habitats of endangered animal and plant species such as: Eastern pasqueflower, European fire-bellied toad or Northern crested newt. One of the many objectives of the project was also to raise awareness among the local population about the protection of nature and biodiversity of Natura 2000 sites.

On the first day of the conference, the staff of the LIFE17 NAT/PL/000018 project entitled “Renaturalization of the Inland Delta of the Nida River” listened to papers and presentations on the effects of the individual project measures and the results of their monitoring. The conference was an opportunity to present the objectives and assumptions as well as the progress of the LIFE project by Deputy Manager Tomasz Bania.

On the second day of the conference there was a field session during which the organizers presented the results of active measures in the area of project implementation. The participants visited a school of Biłgoraj horses, the “Janowskie Forests” reserve and Porytowe Wzgórze and walked along an educational path through the “Imielty Ług” reserve. During the classes, one could see the various hydrotechnical solutions used in the project (water gates, dike renovation), see the land purchased under the project and the infrastructure built under the project.

Participation in the conference allowed for the exchange of experiences and obtaining answers and solutions to certain problematic issues, and was also an opportunity to present the values of the LIFE4DELTA project. It also enabled the establishment of new contacts and relations with persons dealing with similar subjects.

Link to the website of LIFE+ RDOŚ Lublin:


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