23 Jan LIFE in Suwałki
On 21 and 22 November 2019 in Suwałki, representatives of the Life team had the pleasure of participating in a meeting with the LIFE17 NAT/PL/000011 project management team entitled “Active protection of rare amphibian and reptile species in Natura 2000 areas in Europe” implemented by the “Człowiek i Przyroda” Association.
The main aim of the meeting was to discuss the methodology of active protection of amphibians and the European pond turtle. The next day a meeting with the management of Wigry National Park was organized, where financial issues related to the implementation of LIFE projects were discussed, as well as ways of efficient management of the above mentioned projects.
The trip was an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences necessary to implement the project, as well as to establish closer cooperation, which will bear fruit in the future.