The project aimed at restoring the unique qualities of the delta of the Nida has launched

The project aimed at restoring the unique qualities of the delta of the Nida has launched

Restoring the unique natural values of the delta of the Nida River, protecting endangered species of animals, birds and plants is the objective of the project, which will be implemented with the help of EU funds over the next six years. The total value of the investment will exceed PLN 23 million — as the website describes the launch of our project.

The project “Renaturyzacja śródlądowej delty rzeki Nidy” (Eng. Renaturalization of the inland delta of the Nida River) is one of three projects in Poland that received funding from the European Commission’s LIFE Programme for the protection and improvement of the quality of the environment as well as the human impact on the climate and adaptation to its changes.

During Wednesday’s press conference, Tomasz Hałatkiewicz, the Director of the Complex of Świętokrzyskie and the Nida River Landscape Park, the main beneficiary of the programme, said that the main objective of the project is to restore the natural values of the delta of the Nida. He pointed out that the inland delta of the river in the vicinity of the village of Umianowice in the Kije Commune is unique in Europe. There are only a few similar river deltas on the continent.

“We are counting on the restoration of the biodiversity that still was magnificent in this area back in the 1970s and 1980s. We want to restore proper water relations and many valuable habitats, bird and animal species — all this, which was a testimony of the great wealth of the inland delta of the Nida — Hałatkiewicz stressed. He added that the first stage of the project would be water works related to revitalization of oxbow lakes, eutrophic reservoirs and reconstruction of hydrotechnical equipment.

“Then we will restore those habitats that have been degraded or are very endangered. This will include cow grazing on the meadows, because it is an ideal symbiosis between nature conservation and agriculture, reintroduction of the pond turtle, fire-bellied toad, newt and river mussel — that is, the water-filtering mussels, various mollusks, as well as birds — white-tailed eagle, stork, corncrake, bittern, which today are less and less common, and are a testament of the beauty of this valley — Hałatkiewicz described.


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